Terms and Conditions

1. Agreement between user and globaleny-agentus.com

You are required to accept the terms, conditions, and notices contained on globaleny-agentus.com without any changes in order to use the website. Your utilization of the site confirms your complete agreement to these terms and conditions.

2. Travel Services

Our website acts as a platform to connect travelers with various travel services offered by third-party companies. We do not personally provide, own, or manage these services and products. Instead, they are governed by the terms and conditions set by these third parties.

3. Compliance with Laws

By utilizing our website, you are accepting responsibility to adhere with all of the appropriate laws and rules. You are prohibited from engaging in any unlawful or forbidden actions as specified in our Terms & Conditions.

4. Ownership of Content

All elements featured on globaleny-agentus.com, such as text, graphics, logos, images, and software, are the intellectual property of [Travel Agency Website] or its content providers. These items are protected by copyright laws and may not be reproduced or used without written permission from globaleny-agentus.com.

5. Fees and Cancellation Procedures

The payment procedures for our services, including deposits, deadlines for balance payment, and cancellation policies, are subject to the terms and conditions set by our partners. It is recommended that you fully understand these terms and conditions before making a reservation.

6. Confidentiality of Data

We prioritize the confidentiality of our users and abide by all relevant data privacy regulations. We collect, utilize, and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By accessing this site, you consent to the collection and utilization of your data as described in our Privacy Policy.

7. Changes and Interruptions

This site reserves the right to make changes or permanently disable any part of our service with or without prior notification. We will not be held responsible for any inconvenience caused by modifications, suspensions, or termination of our service, to you or any third party.

8. Disclaimer of Responsibility

Globaleny-agentus.com is not responsible for any damages, whether direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential, arising from accessing, displaying, or using our website or experiencing any delays or difficulties in accessing, displaying, or using our website.

9. Modifications to These Terms & Conditions

The Terms & Conditions of Globaleny-agentus.com may be altered at any point. By choosing to use our website following any changes, you are acknowledging your acceptance of the revised Terms & Conditions.